Thursday, April 19, 2012

All things BLUE!

It feels like it has been forever since I last posted... And it pretty much has been! Our son was born on the 20th January 2012 (My grandpa's birthday) and we named him Jonathan Turner Bakkes (Jonathan means 'The Lord gives'...). He pretty much goes by many other names too- as many of you remember, we still call him 'Blue' and other variations like 'Blue-Blue', 'Moo', 'Little Monkey', 'Monkey Moo' and the list goes on!
We have also moved to a LOVELY two bedroom apartment and life is good! It has been such a blessing to have more space especially with our new Bakkes family addition who does not seem to fully grasp the concept of 'silence', and this even in his sleep! I thought I would devote this blog to some glimpses of the last few months and will try to include pics of our new apartment next time (since there are STILL some boxes to be unpacked!).

So here it goes, a whirlwind tour of our last 3 months:

And then... two that I took today... love this one that is so close up...
And... a friend of mine always takes pics of her little one next to a toy to see how much her little one has grown and I decided to start it... at 12 weeks! May be a bit late and the bear may be a bit little... but let's see how it goes!
And... to end it off... here is one of our balcony view of the LA skyline... (I should try to take one for you at is especially beautiful with the city night lights...)

Well... Sorry for taking so long to write this post- I will try to be more faithful in the months to come! It has definitely been an incredibly tough couple of months of adjustment but it has been INcredible too. Only the Lord could weave together tough times and beautiful times so perfectly. :) I LOVE being a mom so much. It is the best job that I have ever done and so rewarding! :)
I was reading this the other day and it just encouraged my heart so much! (Been thinking about how knowing the Lord is so much more important than anything else...)
It is from Jeremiah 9:23-24, 
"23 Thus says the Lord“Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”"


  1. Vrek it, daai babatjie is BAIE oulik. Hoop nie hy word 'n lelike mens nie.
    Baie dankie

  2. So happy to read a blog again! the pics are gorgeous, especially the one of Taryn & Jonobloo"s faces together (he really looks like T more than I realised) the laughing one and the recent close-up. We miss you so much that it is a constant heartache, but this is such a comfort. Love the scripture and so blessed to see how God is increasing your love for Him. Otherwise everything is in vain. May He continue to do that for you both and for all of us.
    much love xxxx
